Behind The Scenes

Artifacts from the day-to-day workings of Bon Jovi.

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Pat Celi Contact Sheets

Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
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Early Portrait Of Jon

Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
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Music Video Set Photos

Large Carousel image
Large Carousel image
Large Carousel image
Large Carousel image

Music Video Set Photos

Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
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Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image

5 images

Album Photoshoot

Large Carousel image
Large Carousel image
Large Carousel image
Large Carousel image
Large Carousel image

Vancouver, Canada

Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image
Artefact Row image